This page will guide you step by step in creating an OTM test environment, from creating a virtual machine to having database, application server, web server and OTM up and running. The process is largely the same for OEL, CentOS and (presumably) RedHat. I've succesfully installed OTM on CentOS and OEL, but not on RedHat. In theory it should work just fine.
This do not apply for production instances, it is solely for a single server test environment, for experimenting and studying purposes.
Just so you have an idea of what kind of hardware you will need to run an OTM virtual machine, this guide was made using a Dell Inspiron 15R SE laptop, which has 8GB of RAM, a Core i5 CPU and Windows 8 64 bit operating system, and the VM runs quite well with as little as 4GB of RAM and 4 CPU cores assigned to it.
The entire process has been captured and is available on Youtube. There will be links to video at the end of each section, and you can see all of them here:
Note: I try to be as economic as possible with resources, specially RAM. If you have more RAM available to you, feel free to increase or use default values when installing everything.
Recommended hardware on your host machine:
At least 6GB of RAM
Core 2 Duo x64 or better
At least 80 GB of free disk space (the virtual machine will be approximately 50 GB in side after OTM is fully installed, but 80 is recommended in the manuals)
Software required:
Image 1 - Downloading from eDelivery:
Useful Linux ccommands
Here are some useful commands you may need to use during this installation:
ls -a ### list hidden files
rm -rf /example/dir ### remove directory without confirmation
rpm -qa | grep '<<PART OF PACKAGE NAME>>' ### verify if you have a package installed
yum list example\* ### search for packages whose name starts with example
yum install <<PACKAGE NAME>> ### install package
sudo sh ### runs sh, which is a program that elevates you to root level (user needs to be on sudoers file first)
find / -type f -iname "*example*" ### Search the entire file system for a file that contains example in its name
Installing VirtualBox on your host machine
1. Run the installer you downloaded, and when prompted to select which features you want to install, remove VirtualBox USB Support, VirtualBox Networking and VirtualBox Python 2.x Support. Other than that, you can just click next or finish.
Image 2 - VirtualBox installation
Creating a Virtual Machine
1. Start VirtualBox.
2. Click the "New" button.
3. Enter the name of your VM. Fill name with OTM-Server-OEL64 or something else you'd like and VirtualBox wil detect that its type is Linux and version is Oracle/Red Hat (64 bit). If it doesn't, make sure you do it yourself and click Next.
4. Assign 4096 MB to your VM and click Next.
5. Choose Create a virtual drive now and click Create.
6. Choose VDI as your hard drive type and click Next.
7. Choose Dynamically allocated and click Next.
8. Leave the name of the disk as suggested, change the size to 80,00 GB and click Create. You can change the location of the virtual hard drive if you want to.
9. Right click on your newly created VM and choose Settings....
10. On the General panel, click on the Advanced tab and change Shared Clipboard to Bidirectional.
11. On the System panel, click on the Processor tab and increase the number of Processor(s). In my case I use 4 (half of my CPU cores). Adjust according to your machine.
11. On the Display panel, mark the checkbox Enable 3D acceleration. You can also increase Video Memory depending on what you have available.
12. On the Storage panel, click on Empy under Controller IDE, then click the disk icon next to CD/DVD Drive, then click Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk... and navigate to the location of your CentOS/OEL/Red Hat installation disk image, then click Open.
13. On the Shared Folders panel, click the + icon, and fill "Folder Path" with the drive or directory in your machine that you want to be accessible inside the VM (you'll get the installation files from here later on). Name it "HOST_SHARE".
14. Click OK to finish the configuration of your virtual machine.
Installing CentOS/OEL/RHEL
1. Double click your newly created VM to start it.
2. Select Install or updrage an existing system and hit Enter.
3. Choose Skip and hit Enter.
4. Click Next on the welcome screen.
5. Select English and click Next.
6. Select the keyboard layout that matches your system and click Next.
7. Select Basic Storage and click Next.
8. Click the Yes, discard any data button.
9. Enter OTM-SERVER as hostname and click Next.
10. Select the closest city to you to define the correct time zone, and click Next.
11. Enter otm63! twice to confirm root user password, and click Next (then click Use Anyway).
12. Select Use all space and click Next, then Write changes to disk to confirm.
13. Select Desktop as your choice of software set and click Next.
14. When CentOS/OEL/Red Hat finishes installation, click Reboot.
15. After the reboot, click Forward.
16. Select Yes, I agree... and click Forward.
17. Now it's time to select a username. I use student for username, full name and password, but It doesn't really matter. You could use your name if you want, but please notice that some commands later on will have to be adjusted if you choose differently (because of directory names). Click Forward and Yes to confirm that you want to use a weak password.
18. On date and time screen, click Forward.
19. Uncheck Enable kdump? and click Finish, then Yes and OK to reboot (kdump is selected by default on CentOS, but not on OEL).
Configuring Linux - Adding "student" user to sudoers
1. Now this might be weird for someone who has never used Linux or Unix, because we'll have to edit a text file using vi (visudo to be precise), so I'll try to be as descriptive as possible. Open a terminal window ( Applications --> System tools --> Terminal) and run the following commands:
<enter root password, which is otm63!>
2. Now, using the arrow keys navigate the document until you find a line that looks like this:
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
3. Use your mouse to select this line and press CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy it.
4. Using arrow keys, position the cursor on the empty line just below the one we copied.
5. Press "i" to enable insert mode, and then CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste the text, and then press ESC to disable insert mode.
6. Using arrow keys, position the cursor on the first character of the line we just pasted, press "i" and write "student", then press ESC.
7. Now the line begins with "studentroot". Using arrow keys, position the cursor on the "r" immediately after "student" and type x four times. This will delete root and you'll end up with "student ALL=(ALL) ALL".
8. Type ":wq" and hit enter to save file and exit visudo.
9. Enter the command bellow to show the contents of the sudoers file on screen and confirm the changes have been applied:
cat /etc/sudoers
Configuring Linux - Disabling firewall
1. Disable firewall by clicking on System --> Administration --> Firewall and then the "Disable" button.
2. Then open a terminal and run the following commands:
sudo sh
<enter student password, if required (it is student)>
chkconfig iptables off
chkconfig ip6tables off
Configuring Linux - Installing VirtualBox's Guest Additions
1. On the VirtualBox menu of your running VM, click Devices and "Install guest additions...". This will cause a CD to be mounted inside your VM. When autorun asks if you want to execute it, click Cancel.
2. If you haven't done it already, enable internet connection by clicking the network icon on the top right (select eth0 to enable your VM to user your host machine internet).
3. Open a terminal and execute the following commands to install the packages needed by guest additions. If you get a lock error, you can use kill <PROCESS NUMBER> to release the lock on yum.
sudo sh
yum install kernel-uek-devel-2.6.39-400.17.1.el6uek.x86_64
yum install gcc.x86_64
5. Execute the following commands to create an environment variable needed by guest additions installer:
KERN_DIR=/usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`
export KERN_DIR
6. And finally, execute guest additions installer, and then reboot the virtual machine with the following commands:
Configuring Linux - Loopback adapter
1. This is actually quite easy. Open a command terminal and type:
sudo sh
2. This will open Gedit as root user, so we'll have write permission to the file we need to edit. Click the open button on Gedit and browse the file /etc/hosts
3. Include the following line at the bottom of the document: OTM-SERVER
4. Click the save button and close Gedit.
Copying setup files
1. Create a folder in your (student's) desktop called HOST_SHARE
2. Open a terminal and run the command below to mount the shared folder we configured earlier when creating the VM:
sudo mount -t vboxsf HOST_SHARE /home/student/Desktop/HOST_SHARE
3. Double click the HOST_SHARE folder in your VM's desktop, and you should be able to see the contents on the folder you made available on your host machine. Browse it and find the setup files listed below, and copy them to your VM's desktop. Here's a list of the versions I have, it might be slightly different depending on when you downloaded them. (Database) (Database)
jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0-linux-x64.bin (Weblogic) (OHS) (OTM)
4. Now, let's move them to a place where they can be more easily accessible to other users. Open a terminal and execute the following commands (they may need some adjustments if you have newer versions of the installers):
sudo sh
mkdir /setup-files
mkdir /setup-files/1-DB
mv /home/student/Desktop/ /setup-files/1-DB
mkdir /setup-files/2-JAVA
mv /home/student/Desktop/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0-linux-x64.bin /setup-files/2-JAVA
mkdir /setup-files/3-WL
mv /home/student/Desktop/ /setup-files/3-WL
mkdir /setup-files/4-OHS
mv /home/student/Desktop/ /setup-files/4-OHS
mkdir /setup-files/5-OTM
mv /home/student/Desktop/ /setup-files/5-OTM
Oracle Database pre-installation tasks
1. First, install the necessary packages by running the commands below (note: I listed everything that's on the manual for the sake of completion and future-proofing this guide in case something changes, so lines commented are things we already have on our OEL/CentOS/RHEL 6.4 but may not be there on later versions):
sudo sh #to login as root
### We already have: binutils-
yum install compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64 ###compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3
yum install compat-libstdc++-33.i686 ###compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (32 bit)
### We already have: elfutils-libelf-0.97
yum install elfutils-libelf-devel.x86_64 ###elfutils-libelf-devel-0.97
### We already have: expat-1.95.7
### We already have: gcc-3.4.6
yum install gcc-c++.x86_64 ###gcc-c++-3.4.6
### We already have: glibc-2.3.4-2.41
### We already have: glibc-2.3.4-2.41 (32 bit)
### We already have: glibc-common-2.3.4
### We already have: glibc-devel-2.3.4
### We already have: glibc-headers-2.3.4
### We already have: libaio-0.3.105
yum install libaio.i686 ###libaio-0.3.105 (32 bit)
yum install libaio-devel.x86_64 ###libaio-devel-0.3.105
yum install libaio-devel.i686 ###libaio-devel-0.3.105 (32 bit)
### We already have: libgcc-3.4.6
### We already have: libgcc-3.4.6 (32-bit)
### We already have: libstdc++-3.4.6
yum install libstdc++.i686 ###libstdc++-3.4.6 (32 bit)
### We already have: libstdc++-devel 3.4.6
### We already have: make-3.80
### We already have: numactl-0.6.4.x86_64
### We don't need: pdksh-5.2.14
### We already have: sysstat-5.0.5
2. Now, let's adjust /etc/sysctl.conf file, as per instructions on Oracle DB manuals. First login as root and open Gedit by running this commands on a terminal:
sudo sh
3. Click the open button and browse for the file /etc/sysctl.conf, then add a # character at the start of lines 37 (kernel.shmmax) and 40 (kernel.shmall). It will end up looking like this:
# Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes
#kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
# Controls the maximum number of shared memory segments, in pages
#kernel.shmall = 4294967296
4. Now copy the lines below and paste at the end of sysctl.conf, then save and close it.
# Oracle DB 11g parameters
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
fs.file-max = 6815744
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 536870912
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
5. As root at a terminal, run the commands below:
/sbin/sysctl -p
/sbin/sysctl -a
6. Open gedit as root, the same process as before, and open /etc/security/limits.conf then add the lines
# Oracle DB 11g parameters
oracle soft nproc 2047
oracle hard nproc 16384
oracle soft nofile 1024
oracle hard nofile 65536
oracle soft stack 10240
oracle hard stack 32768
7. Run the commands below as root to create oinstall and dba groups, oracle user, and also set oracle's password (use oracle as password):
/usr/sbin/groupadd oinstall
/usr/sbin/groupadd dba
/usr/sbin/useradd -g oinstall -G dba oracle
passwd oracle
8. Now let's create the database installation directory and give ownership to oracle user. Also let's give the setup files to oracle. Run those as root:
mkdir -p /u01/app/
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/
chmod -R 775 /u01/app/
chown -R oracle:oinstall /setup-files/
chmod -R 775 /setup-files/
9. Unzip the database installation media by running:
cd /setup-files/1-DB/
10. Last thing before we run the installer is to fix an installation file (Oracle article [ID 1454982.1]). First make a backup of this file:
cd /setup-files/1-DB/database/stage/cvu/cv/admin/
cp cvu_config backup_cvu_config
11. Now, open /setup-files/1-DB/database/stage/cvu/cv/admin/cvu_config on gedit as root and change on the line where it says CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL4 change to CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL6. Save and close it.
Installing Oracle Database
1. Run the following to start the installer
sudo sh ### to login as root
xhost +SI:localuser:oracle ### to enable oracle to open windows from terminal
su oracle ### to login as oracle
cd /setup-files/1-DB/database/
4. Uncheck I wish to receive security updates... and click Next then Yes.
5. Select Install database software only and click Next.
6. Select Single instance database installation and click Next.
7. Leave the default language settings (English) and click Next.
8. Select Enterprise Edition and click Next.
9. Accept the default values for Oracle Base (/u01/app/oracle) and Software Location (/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1) and click Next.
10. Accept the default values for Inventory Directory (/u01/app/oraInventory) and oraInventory Group Name (oinstall) and click Next.
11. Accept the default values for OSDBA (dba)and OSPER (oinstall) groups and click Next.
12. On CentOS, after prerequisite checks are done, you should see a few packages reported missing (we have them, but newer versions), check "Ignore All" and click Next, then Finish. This will not happen on OEL.
13. When installer is nearly done, it will ask you to run some scripts as root. Do so by opening a terminal an running:
sudo sh
cd /u01/app/oraInventory/
cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/
./ ### this script will ask for a directory, type in /usr/local/bin
14. Now, go back to installer and click OK then Close to finish database installation.
15. Open gedit as root then open /home/oracle/.bashrc and /home/oracle/.bash_profile, and add the lines below to both of them, then save and close
# Oracle setup
umask 022
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
Creating Database Listener
1. Open a terminal and login as root (sudo sh)
2. Run the xhost command below
xhost +SI:localuser:oracle
3. Login as oracle then change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/bin, and execute NetCA
su oracle
4. On NetCA welcome screen, choose Listener Configuration and click Next.
5. Select Add and click Next.
6. Accept the suggested listener name LISTENER and click Next.
7. Leave protocols as default and click Next.
8. Select Use the standard port number of 1521 and click Next.
9. Select No when asked if you want to configure another listener, and click Next.
10. Click Next and Finish to exit NetCA.
Creating database instance
1. Open a terminal and login as root (sudo sh)
2. Run the xhost command below:
xhost +SI:localuser:oracle
3. Login as oracle then change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/bin, and execute DBCA:
su oracle
4. Click Next on DBCA welcome screen.
5. Select Create a Database and click Next.
6. Select Custom Database and click Next.
7. Fill Global Database Name with OTMDB (SID should get the same value automatically) and click Next.
8. On the next screen (Step 4 of 12: Management Options), leave everything as it is and click Next.
9. Click Use the Same Administrative Password for All Accounts, then enter twice the password otm63 , click Next and Yes.
10. On the next screen (Step 6 of 12: Database File Locations), leave everything as it is and click Next.
11. Again (Step 7 of 12: Recovery Configuration), leave everything as it is and click Next.
12. On the Database Components screen, uncheck Oracle Warehouse Builder and click Next.
13. Change Memory Size (SGA and PGA) from the default value to 1536 (if you have plenty of RAM you can increase this value).
14. Click on the Sizing tab, and change Processes to 300.
15. Click on the Character Sets tab, then click on Use Unicode (AL32UTF8).
16. Click on the All Initialization Parameters button on the bottom of the screen, then click Show Advanced Parameters.
17. Change the value of the following parameters:
DB_16K_CACHE_SIZE: 104857600
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET: 193273528 (please note that this value is related to memory assigned to DB instance, adjust accordingly if you use more or less RAM)
16. Click Close, Then Next, and on the next screen click Next again, then mark the checkbox Generate Database Creation Scripts and click Finish.
17. On the confirmation screen, you can review all your configurations and click OK. Click OK again after DB generation script has been created.
18. After database is created (this could take a while!) click the Exit button.
19. Test your instance by opening Firefox and accessing
https://localhost:1158/em. If you can't access Enterprise Manager due to a security error, update Firefox (run "yum update firefox" as root). After the update, Firefox will allow you to click on
I understand the risks and then add a security exception that will make EM accessible. Login using user
system and password
otm63. Please note that EM is not started automatically upon reboot. From now on, after a restart you'll need to run
emctl start dbconsole to start EM, when needed.
Installing JRockit
1. Open a terminal and login as root (sudo sh)
2. Run the xhost command below
xhost +SI:localuser:oracle
3. Login as oracle then change directory to /setup-files/2-JAVA, and execute JRockit installer:
su oracle
cd /setup-files/2-JAVA
4. Click Next to accept the default installation directory, /home/oracle/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0.
5. At the Optional Components screen, leave everything unchecked and click Next.
6. After install finishes, click Done to exit the installer.
7. Open Gedit as root or oracle and add the following line to both .bashrc and .bash_profile:
#Java setup
export JAVA_HOME=/home/oracle/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0
Installing Weblogic
1. Open a terminal and login as root (sudo sh)
2. Run the xhost command below
xhost +SI:localuser:oracle
3. Login as oracle then change directory to /setup-files/3-WL, unzip and start Weblogic installer:
su oracle
cd /setup-files/3-WL
unzip java -jar wls1036_generic.jar
4. On the welcome screen, click Next.
5. Change the Middleware Home Directory to /home/oracle/Middleware and click Next.
6. Uncheck I wish to receive security updates... and click Next, then Yes, Yes, then check I wish to remain uninformed... and click Continue.
7. Select Custom and click Next.
8. Review products and components (don't need to change anything here) and click Next.
9. On JDK selection screen, click browse then select your JDK directory (/home/oracle/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0) and click Select, deselect the default Open JDK, and then hit Next button.
10. Accept the default installation directories and click Next.
11. At installation summary screen, click next.
12. After Weblogic installer is done, uncheck Run Quickstart and click Done.
Installing Oracle HTTP Server
1. Open a terminal and login as root (sudo sh)
2. Run the xhost command below
xhost +SI:localuser:oracle
3. Login as oracle then change directory to /setup-files/4-OHS, and execute OHS installer:
su oracle
cd /setup-files/4-OHS
cd Disk1
4. On the welcome screen, click Next.
5. Select Skip Software Updates and click Next.
6. Select Install and Configure and click Next.
7. Now the prerequisite check will run, and if you are running the same versions I am it will fail the OS packages check because of compat-libcap1.x86_64. Check the log on the bottom of the installer's screen to confirm, and, if you need to, open a new terminal window, login as root and execute yum install compat-libcap1.x86_64. After this, click back and next to force the check to run again, and if it is successful, click Next.
8. Accept the default values for Oracle Middleware Home (/home/oracle/Middleware) and Oracle Home Directory (Oracle_WT1) and click Next.
9. Uncheck I wish to receive security updates... and click Next then Yes.
10. On the Configure Components screen, uncheck Oracle Web Cache and Associate Selected Components with Weblogic Domain and, with only Oracle HTTP Server checked, click Next.
11. Accept the default values for instance home, instance location and OSH component name and click Next.
12. Select Auto Port Configuration and click Next.
13. On the installation summary screen, click Install.
14. After configuration tools are 100% done, click Next, then Finish.
Installing OTM
1. Log in as root using sudo sh.
2. Enable oracle user to open window from command line by running xhoxt +SI:localuser:oracle.
3. Log in as oracle by running su oracle.
4. Cahnge directories, unzip OTM installation media and start OTM installer:
cd /setup-files/5-OTM
5. Enter /home/oracle/otm for install folder and click Next.
6. Select Next again.
7. On the next screen, enter the following information and click Next:
Web Server External FQDN: OTM-SERVER
Web Server External Port: 7777
Web Server Port: 7777
8. On the next screen, enter the following information and click Next:
App Server Port: 7001
DB Server FQDN:
DB Port: 1521
DB Connect String: otmdb
DB Service Name: otmdb
7. On the next screen, enter the following information and click Next:
ORACLE_HOME for DB client: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
URL Prefix: /
Default Reply-To Email Address:
8. On the next screen, enter the following information and click Next:
WebLogic BEA Home Path: /home/oracle/Middleware
9. On the next screen, enter the following information and click Next:
App Server IP Address:
App Server Path: /home/oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3
App Server Memory: 1536
App SSL Port: 7002
App Launcher Port: 32001
10. On the next screen, enter the following information and click Next:
Web Server IP Address:
Web Server SSL Port: 443
Tomcat Port: 8009
Tomcat Shutdown Port: 8007
OHS WebLogic Home Path: .../Oracle_WT1
11. On the next screen, enter the following information and click Next:
Tomcat Memory (MB): 1536
OHS Server Path: /home/oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3
OHS Instance Home: ./home/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1
OHS Component Name: ohs1
Web Launcher Port: 32000
12. Enter CHANGEME as the WebLogic System Password and click Next.
13. Enter CHANGEME as the App-to-Web Authentication Password and click Next.
14. Enter GLOGDBA as the GLOGDBA Password and click Next.
15. Enter GLOGLOAD as the GLOGLOAD Password and click Next.
16. Leave OTM User Name as is (oracle), but change OTM Group Name to oinstall, and click Next.
17. Leave OTM User Home as is (/home/oracle) and click Next.
18. Leave Would you like to migrate as No and click Next.
19. Don't select anything on Optional Components', just click Next.
20. Click Install to begin installation, and after it's done click Next, and after a while Next again, and Next one more time at the installation readme screen, then click done.
21. Unzip and move its contents to /home/oracle/otm/docs folder by running the following commands as oracle:
mkdir /home/oracle/otm/docs
cp /setup-files/5-OTM/ /home/oracle/otm/docs
cd /home/oracle/otm/docs
22. We don't need any of the installers anymore, so delete them by running rm -rf /setup-files/ as root. This will free up a sizeable amount of disk space. Then reboot your virtual machine.
Post Installation OTM
1. Log in as oracle and start the database listener and the database instance by running the following commands:
su oracle
lsnrctl start
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup
2. Disconnect from the database and exit SQL*Plus (commands disconn and exit) then change directory to /home/oracle/otm/glog/oracle/script8 directory.
3. Run the SQL script to create tablespaces by running the following command and providing the answers below:
sqlplus / as sysdba
4. When tablespaces script is done, run the SQL script to create users by running the following command and providing the answers below:
5. Before we continue, we need to install ksh to be be able to run the next script. So, disconnect from the database, log in as root and run yum install ksh
6. Log in as oracle and run the script by running the command below and providing the following answers
7. After create_all is done, connect to the database again, as GLOGOWNER this time, and run the reset_sequence procedure by running the following commands on the prompt:
set serverout on size 1000000
EXECUTE domainman.reset_sequence;
8. Now we need to run one last script before using OTM. Run it as oracle user and provide the answers below:
OTM Startup and first use
1. Assuming you restarted your virtual machine after the previous step, we need to do the following to start OTM
### Start DB Listener ###
lsnrctl start
### Start DB instance ###
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup
### Start Web ###
cd /home/oracle/otm/install/ohs
./glogweb-wl start
### Start App ###
cd /home/oracle/otm/install/weblogic
./glogapp-wl start
2. Next, make sure OTM server is ready. You can do this by checking Weblogic logs for
OTM Event: ServerReady (use
tail /home/oracle/otm/logs/weblogic/console.log.0 on a terminal), by monitoring memory and CPU usage, or you can simply keep trying until you stop getting servlet errors in the browser. Open Firefox and enter the following address:
3. Use the following credentials to login:
Password: CHANGEME
4. Hopefully, it all worked well and now you have your OTM server ready for use. Congratulations!
Log and configuration files
Here are some of the most noteworthy log and configuration files locations inside your VM, in case you need them:
/home/oracle/otm/Oracle_OTM_v6.3_GA_InstallLog.log /home/oracle/otm/glog/oracle/script8/create_all_OTMDB_<YYYYMMDDHHMM>.log
/home/oracle/otm/tomcat/bin/tomcat.conf /home/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1/httpd.conf